Sunday, November 16, 2008

25. ~ Donkey ~

Donkeys can make gentle, loving pets for elders and children alike. The ears of a donkeyare longer than a horse's. They also have a straighter back. Old females are called brood jennies. A mule comes from crossing a female horse (a mare) with a male donkey (a jack). An ass has a dark stripe along its back. It has a shorter mane than a horse, a smaller build, longer ears and has shorter hair on the tail. Therefore, the males are called jackasses. An ass is wild, but a donkeyis domesticated. The burro is a great pack animal which is smaller than a regular donkey. If a donkey is restricted in its ability to flee from danger or fearful happenings they will fight to protect themselves, even more so than a horse. They will bite and kick! The miniature donkeys are affectionate, soft-eyed, animals. They are especially friendly four-leggeds. They will nudge and nibble on your clothes. They are also smart! Miniature donkeys are willing and able to please. They do not bite and kick, and they can live to be twenty-five or more years old. These are the perfect pets for those with disabilities. These miniature helpers are easy to care for, and enjoy pulling their own family weight.


Donkeys teach us to fight for our freedom and demand the space we require for ourselves. They remind each of us to pull our own load. The donkey teaches us the importance of a gentle face. They remind us to help others whenever we can. They tell us to be of service to those less fortunate than ourselves. Donkey medicine teaches us its okay to lean on others. Donkeys reminds us of the importance to share our affection openly and not be ashamed, or too shy to do so. Donkeys can show us when others are acting stubborn that many times affection will coach them out of it.

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