Wednesday, November 19, 2008

68. ~ Sheep ~

Most, but not all sheep have fleece! Sheep is an animal raised for wool and mutton. They differ from goats in having the outline of their face more arched and conves. They have a sac or pit between the toes of each foot, lined with hair and a fatty matter. Their bodies are covered in very fine wool. They are basically defeseless creatures. They are able to stand shortly after being born. Sheep have a horizontal split in their upper lip to help pick leaves off plants. Baby sheep are called lambs. Young females are ewes, young males are ram lambs, and older males are rams. A year-old sheep is known as a hogget, while a young two year old is called a two-tooth. There are more than nine hundred types of sheep. Sheep make a bleating sound. One pound of their wool makes ten miles of yarn. Sheep have poor eye sight, but great hearing. Sheep by nature are selective grazing animals. Wet sheep smeel like wet wool. Sheep require a great deal of exercise. Generally, most sheep have fleece. They say baa! Sheep aren't known for their smartness. They also tend to be over eaters. The sheep family is not a brave bunch. Generally, a sheep's tail hangs down, while a goat's tail will turn upward. Sheep need their hooves trimmed much less than goats. They prefer grass and clover to eat. Sheep can become stressed when separated from their flock. The lambs will stay close to their mother's side. A Jacob shhep can have four or more horns. The stories and lessons of sheep can also be found in the Bible.


Sheep medicine teaches us it is okay to walk away from a fight. Those with sheep medicine may be extremely close to their mother. A lamb reminds us of our innocense and of those close to us. Sheep teach us we are all vulnerable sometimes. The sheep tells us to be sincere toward others. Sheep medicine ssays sacrificing ourselves to a point is okay. However, do not comprise yourself to the point of separating whom you are, for what you think you need to be. The sheep teaches us that having gentle ways is an appreciated and valued gift. "Those who treat the world good naturedly, we be treated the same!"

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